Muziic 1.143
Operating Systems:
Windows Vista, Windows XP
Additional Requirements:
No additional requirements
No limitations.
Publisher's description of Muziic
Muziic Player puts millions of songs on your desktop free and legally. To use Muziic Player, simply type the name of the song or artist you wish to hear into the player's search bar. Muziic searches and returns the most relevant results from the world's largest music database, YouTube. Muziic Player offers all the features you've grown familiar with in other popular media players, including full playlist management, player skins, playback and volume controls. Muziic Encoder gives you the power to easily encode your own MP3s and album covers with the highest possible sound quality.
The Muziic Encoder brings YouTube audio to a new level with advanced audio-conversion techniques. Simply drag and drop or browse MP3 audio files to the Muziic Encoder and press "Encode". Want to add an album cover? Drag or browse for your .JPG, .BMP or .PNG image file and Muziic Encoder will resize and position your images.

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